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Getting on The Runway To Growth

28th November 2023

Around the world, airports are still adapting to the post-covid reality. For some, this means responding to the boom in air travel. At the same time, others are still recovering from those difficult years.


To understand the current state of airports and the barriers and potential areas for revenue growth, we surveyed 200 senior leaders at airports in the U.S., United Kingdom and Italy. Our findings are outlined in the Getting On The Runway to Growth Report.


We found that while every airport has unique challenges and opportunities, common trends unite them. Being plagued by manual processes and legacy technology and systems, a lack of capacity to welcome new airlines, and ongoing disruptions from flight cancellations and service failures are but a few. Some airports in the United States of America (U.S.) are more worried about buckling under the pressure of the recent boom in air travel. Others in the U.S. and Europe continue to feel the aftershocks of the pandemic on air travel and are yet to get back in the black.


The lack of balance in the recovery of passenger numbers and routes since the pandemic is an added aggravation during this period of change. It is, therefore, massively concerning that 52% of airport leaders worry about the financial stability of their airports unless they can make significant improvements. Revenue growth is a priority for all airport leaders. It is crucially important to understand how they can optimize processes that will allow them to drive efficiencies and increase their capacity to introduce new airlines. In addition, securing insight into how to drive all-important revenue from the passengers they attract is vital.


But no matter what reality your team may face at your airport, AeroCloud believes there is a common path to growth paved by:

  • Overcoming the manual processes and legacy technology and systems to gain operational efficiencies
  • Expanding capacity to welcome new airlines despite a lack of physical space
  • Boosting the passenger experience to increase spending
  • Seizing greater control over communications and operations to manage better inevitable disruptions, from flight cancellations to service failures.

Our Getting On The Runway To Growth report helps airport leaders recognize how they can seize on this period of change to transform their operations. It is time to relinquish reliance on outdated processes to drive innovation and get on the runway to revenue growth.


Download our report and learn how you can seize upon this period of transformation.

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